
St George’s

I live in the most dog friendly building in Arlington. There are more dogs than people in the building. And, when you go out the front door – just across the street is St George’s Episcopal Church. They do lots of good things for the community. And, they believe in miracles. To prove it – they put up a new sign.

Proof that Episcopalians Believe in Miracles.
Proof that Episcopalians Believe in Miracles.

This is proof – the faithful at St George’s have to believe in miracles to think that dogs and their owners are going to stay off the grass.

Moved some of my stuff off the closet shelves into several of “Carlton’s Drawers” in our bed. The studio has limited closet space. And no closet shelves.

The Good, The Bad, The OK

The Long VIew from my terrace
The Long View from my terrace

This morning, I was feeling seriously bereft. Being alive without Carlton wasn’t working for me. I don’t think I was depressed. Just realistic. Carlton was my whole life. What does 2 or 5 or 20 more years mean? Not a hell of a lot.

Well, feeling like that I had to kick my ass into gear. I was one my south balcony looking at my new building in the distance. According to Google – it was just a 3 mile walk away.

Here are the buildings with the long lens.

The red arrow is the building I am moving into. The green arrow is the new building. It has better windows. It has balconies. The old building is 12 stories. The new one is 14. But, the apartments on the 13th and 14th floors are much larger than I want. Not that any are available. A studio overlooking a stripmall on the 7th floor is available. One takes what is available.

So Google and I headed out on foot. I decided to just let Google tell me how to get there. Google did good. Got me there mostly through charming old residential areas. Without Google – I would have gone along the bus route. Not charming. This is the first time that I completely trusted Google to direct my walking. It did a really fine job.

So, I got down to the asylum at about 10AM. (It is downhill from my apartment.) I had coffee with a group of residents who were waiting on church to start. They are Episcopalians. A pretty laid back religion. No one was in the least concerned that I didn’t go to services.

Not going to church, I went walkabout all around the asylum. Checked out the large art studio. I am not artistic. And, with aborted turtle purse project – I am not a craft person either. It is important to know what you are not. But, the art studio appears to be well equipped. It has lots of good light.

I checked out the library. Large print books. A substation of the Fairfax Public Library. Lots of DVDs. And comfy chairs. I’ll still get my books on the Kindle. And stream my movies. But, I might use a comfy chair.

The business center has a perfectly fine shredder. So, I don’t have to even consider taking my shredder. They also have a computer center. Equipped with Dells running WIndows 7. Don’t imagine I’ll be needing them.

There is a pool. It was closed. It is always closed on Sunday. In the gym – there will be NO WAITING for the cardio equipment. They also have a little dance studio with windows, mirrors and a barre. I can see me hauling my yoga mat down to the studio. I found a pool table. And a little card room. Also a “media room”. And, I found out where furniture goes to die. A hallway with the dreaded “brown furniture”, scuffy chairs, an unloved piano. What I did not see is the furniture from “my” apartment.

Speaking of my apartment. I went up and looked at “my” door. Checked out the laundry room. 2 perfectly fine washers. 2 perfectly fine dryers. And an ironing board. No iron. There is a mirror in the elevator hall. So, I can use it to check my appearance. No mirrors in my unit. Also checked out the trash/recycle room. Nothing remarkable there.

And that was The OK.

By then, I am getting hungry and decide to go catch a bus home. I stop to visit a lady who is enjoying the sun in the garden. This little garden is The Good.

A place to enjoy the day

After talk story for a while… I excuse myself and start off to the bus stop. But, wait. It is lunch time at the asylum. Well, I’ll just go have lunch in The Formal Dining Room. Where one is expected to dress appropriately. No jeans, shorts or T-shirts.

The Lone Diner Section
The Lone Diner Section

I was directed to what seems to be the lone diner section. These would be the folks who arrived with book in hand. The lady at the table next to me was wearing a T-Shirt – advertising a famous DC hardware store – under her blazer. And she was reading the NY Times Book Review section. That is promising. Not only her literary tastes. But, her workaround of the “rules”.

I was not so pleased with the food. I would like to quote from the sales spiel about promises of “gourmet” dining. Or fine dining. But, they really don’t tout the quality of the food. It is totally institutional. About like the food at my hospital. The brussel sprouts were served overcooked, underseasoned, and lukewarm. The pears were out of a can. However, the omelet was good. And, I have only myself to blame for ordering pears, knowing that they are not in season. I was just testing the kitchen. The kitchen failed. This is the bad.

However, I am sure that once I move in – I’ll figure how to make the dining options work for me.

Then, I wandered down to the bus stop and came home. Took a nap after my 6+ miles on the fitbit. Got out of my funk.

A hawk feather…

The Hawk Feather
The Hawk Feather

Taking a shortcut through the cemetery that Carlton rode to on his bike everyday. And what was in my path? A big hawk feather. Intellectually, I know it was just chance. But, a tiny part of me hopes that it is a little “howdy” greeting from Carlton.

I decided not to do the things that Carlton and usually did on Memorial day weekend. I just had a regular Saturday. Took a big load of stuff to the Goodwill. Went for a couple of walks. Had breakfast at Starbucks. Made a real food lunch. Took a nap.

And, I am listening to a fun “old” fantasy – Tea With the Black Dragon by R.A. MacAvoy. The story is OK, what is fun is all of the early 1980’s computer technology woven into the story. Those where the glory days of homebrew computers. There have been several references to that fine old publication Dr. Dobb’s Journal of Computer Calisthenics & Orthodontia. 8080 processors and bootstrap routines also appear. And that old Game of Life. You can read about the game on Dr Dobbs website. Check it out.

Memorial Day Weekend

One of my starlings
One of my starlings. Their nest is in the outside wall of my terrace.

I have a friend who has hummingbirds. I have starlings. They are interesting birds. In the US we consider starlings nuisance birds. According to the USDA:

The introduction of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in New York City in 1890 and 1891 resulted in their permanent establishment in North America. The successful occupation of North America (and most other continents as well) has earned the starling a nomination in the Top 100 list of ‘Worlds Worst’ invaders.

I like them. Carlton liked them too.

Carlton and I enjoyed the summer holidays. We ignored the winter holidays – the ones like Thanksgiving, Xmas, New Years. I don’t know how well I will handle this first summer holiday alone. I should have made a plan. But, I haven’t yet.

Note to Carlton: The motorcycles are here for Rolling Thunder. The “gang” the rents out the Highlander Motel have rolled in and deployed their tent awnings, flags, and beer coolers.

I am going to start off the long weekend by cooking myself dinner using “real” ingredients. Nothing frozen or pre-processed. Chicken stir fry. And, maybe sweet potato. I will be trying out my new skillet. (Thanks Melissa). I’ll have to give up my vintage cast iron skillets when I move to the asylum. They have glass electric cooktops. And cast iron doesn’t work well with glass.

Rain. Not Purple. Gray Rain.

very purple iris
very purple iris

Cold and rainy today. And I was cold and sort of grumpy myself. Tomorrow will be another day. If I get tomorrow. Because, no one is promised tomorrow.

I made no progress on my move to the asylum. I have become sort of lax as far as the move goes. I am sort of planning on finalizing the move ASAP. But I am in no hurry to actually move. I will move out of the apartment before going to Hawai’i. I am not going to stress about paying “double” rent. After all, Carlton and I paid “double” rent in Hawai’i for decades. But, I am not going to pay “triple” rent.

Finalizing the move – the next move is the asylum’s. They have to schedule my mental exam. Gotta prove I am crazy enough to move in.

Facing a 3 day holiday weekend. I don’t have any plans. This can be a problem. So, I’d better make some plans. 3 days… well actually 3.5 since I only work morning. 3.5 days. no plans. no car. no responsibilities. wonder what is doable by an easy train or bus ride? Around town, there is always Rolling Thunder. Stay tuned.

The Clarendon “Afternoon Market”

Veggies at the Clarendon Night Market
Veggies at the Clarendon Night Market

In my area we have grand large weekend early morning farm markets. But, more charming are the afterwork markets at some of our metro stops. They are much smaller and lines are nonexistent. I got some nice baby squash and a super chocolate chip cookie at the Clarendon market this afternoon. The Ballston market is tomorrow – but much rain is predicted for tomorrow. So, this might be my only trip to the afternoon markets this week. I will miss this when I move to the asylum.

On the asylum front. I went to see my doctor today. She said “Yes, you are still alive”. Next step, my “mental assessment”. That should be fun. Hope I can take it seriously. Guess if I don’t they will not let me in.

Well, Carlton… this time last year you were having radiation for your Merkel Cell Cancer. And we were trying to keep each other from knowing how worried we were. Other couples might have handled it differently. We didn’t have too many tears. But we did enjoy our last two years together. And we shared a bunch of sandwiches. I don’t miss you all the time anymore. Just most of the time. And, I have developed some habits that you would not approve of. Habits like Starbucks coffee. Going to Nats and DC United games. Taking in the occasional concert. As Cal from Iowa by way of Kona would have said “Widow spending the old man’s money”. Yep, that would be me.

Wildlife Photography

wild rabbit
wild rabbit

Went out looking for bees or flowers to photograph. It was hot for a second day. The flowers all looked droopy. No bees in sight. Had to make due with this rabbit.

This afternoon – I looked over all the paperwork that I am supposed to complete prior to moving into the asylum. And the forms that my doctor has to complete tomorrow. I think the forms are a part of the mental exam. I hate filling out forms.

I filled out some of the forms. I hate filling out forms. But, I like rabbits.

Another Sunrise.

Just another sunrise.
Just another sunrise.

Still soaking up the sunrises. For Carlton’s last year we had “enjoy every sandwich” time. Maybe for my last weeks here in the apartment will be “enjoy every sunrise” time.

Moving forward. Got an appointment with my doctor for my asylum physical. Since they are going to take care of me – they want to be sure that I don’t need any care. After the physical. I have to go for a mental exam. I already passed the most important exam. That would be the financial exam.

Had no problem going to the old Lincoln Theater in DC last night. I would never have done that while Carlton was still alive. He would have worried to death. And, of course, he wouldn’t have wanted to go with me. So, as good wife – I wouldn’t have even considered going. The Blind Boys of Alabama. For the Innocence Project. Good music. Good cause.

Now, if I had gone to the shopping center in Wacko Texas yesterday. That might have been a problem. And does anyone really think that the name of the Twin Peaks Restaurant has anything at all to do with a geological formation?

Summer here today. It was 90°.


It’s beginning to look a lot like summer.

Half Smokes on the grill
Half Smokes on the grill


Dogs in the fountains.
Dogs in the fountains.

I was lazy today. Napped the afternoon away. Ignored the Fitbit. Heading out to see the Blind Boys of Alabama at the old Lincoln Theater tonight. A fundraiser for the Innocence Project.

Note to Carlton: Yes, I am going to U Street in DC at night. And, I’ll be perfectly safe. So, chill. Oh, but they most likely have you on ice over at Georgetown Medical School.

The Good

It's Bee Photography TIme! - That is Good.
It’s Bee Photography TIme! – That is Good.

But there are a couple of good things about the asylum as well. Mostly mental. I am looking forward to living the same streamlined life here as I have in Kona. Well, not quite as streamlined. I’ll have more clothes. And a better food prep area. Maid service once a week.

When looking around the unit yesterday – I discovered that what I thought was a microwave is actually a microwave/convection oven. I am not sure what that means it does. Guess it means I could bake something if I wanted to bake something. If I want something baked, I go to a bakery.

The building has wifi and my unit is very near one of the routers. The signal seems to be strong and the speed is no worse than my current snail internet. It might even be better. And, my iPad picks up a nice strong LTE signal – so I can always tether my computer to my iPad in case of building wifi failure. Starbucks is a block away if blazing fast is required. My unit is in the old building – if I move to the new building – they seem to have some sort of wired service.

I will no longer pay any extra bills – here I pay for water, gas, electric, phone and internet. I use old rabbit ears for TV. Don’t know if the rabbit ears will work at the new place. A very limited selection of channels is provided by the building. I get lots more from my rabbit ears. Hope the bunny ears work.

My unit comes with a 4x4x4 foot storage unit. This is huge. Depending on how safe and climate controlled it is – I can see using it. For example – my 3 foot square coffee table that I would like to keep will fit in it nicely. I could also put the quilts in my old army foot locker and put that in the storage unit. I haven’t seen the unit. Seeing it – that is on my to do list.

Looking forward to living with less stuff to take on dust. That is good.

The Ugly

It can only get better.
It can only get better. Used the iPad as a camera.

Here it is my 367 square foot final resting place. Well, semi-final. I am hoping to upgrade my accommodations.

After making my “reservation” and boy do I HAVE reservations. And made a sizable down payment. My little tape measure and I were let loose in the unit. It is old tired and musty. The furniture will be removed. The carpet replaced and the joint painted. And hopefully it will be seriously cleaned.

I reviewed the physical exam form. I think I’ll pass. My coworkers suggested that I “throw” the mental exam. Maybe, maybe – if I tell them about the talking giraffe named GingerBread who follows me everywhere I go??? Maybe that will keep me out. Maybe anyone who would be willing to move into that unit is crazy.

(Note to Laurent – in the US there is a literary tradition of imaginary animal friends. This dates from at least 1944 – Harvey, the anthropomorphic 6 foot tall rabbit.)

The previous occupant seems to have moved in in 2012. And, I feel sure that this is his obit. Check it out Celestial Change of Address March 20 or so… It might seem that the asylum didn’t move quickly to reissue the unit. But, remember, I was #7 on the list. So, 6 folks were given the chance to look at it, think about it, and ultimately pass on it. Then they came to sucker #7.


Going to miss my sunrises.
Going to miss my sunrises.

Seems like today is Thursday. I thought that yesterday was Thursday. Oh well. But Wednesday and Thursday – have both been fine days. Lovely sunny warm not hot spring days.

Making lots of mental progress on the downsizing front. I wonder, how am I going to dispose of everything I don’t want to keep. Tables, chairs, tube TV’s, a sweet little sound system, Carlton’s Desk – AKA – the arc of the covenant. Kitchen stuff. Suppose someone knows who to call. I am not having a sale. I am not putting anything on Craig’s list. I am sure that this is a problem that can be solved with a little cash money.

Some silly things are hard to get rid of – take a picture of it and pitch it.

I always loved this comb!
I always loved this comb!

I just checked. Thacker Caskets in still in operation. And they have a website. Check it out.

BTW – I parted with the comb.