Another Day, Another Beach

Another Day - Another Beach
Another Morning – Another Beach
Lots of White Bar Surgeon Fish
Lots of White Bar Surgeonfish

Not the greatest photo. I don’t see them in great numbers where I usually swim.

And, HUGE yellow tangs
And, HUGE yellow tangs
Saddle Butterfly
Saddle Butterfly

But, the prize fish today is the Saddle Butterfly. Don’t see them very often – anywhere.

We had the whole beach/ocean to ourselves. Which is good, because we made less than elegant egress. But, no skin was lost.

About time to think about gratitude.
Grateful for my wetsuit that protected my okole during my ocean dismount this AM.

Another cheese sandwich and salad for dinner – not missing tonight’s New York strip steak at the asylum one bit.

PS – Ended up with less than 400 images today. I am not loving the GoPro. Having fun with it. But not loving it enough to actually buy one. Part of it is my new “simplified” lifestyle. But mostly, my little old lady life just isn’t GoPro material.

Note to self: Do not use burst mode on GoPro

Looking Up
Looking Up

Note to self: If you decide to snorkel around for 50 minutes or so… and have the GoPro set on 30 shots per second – you end up with 1260 images. And, you have to spend the rest of the day tagging and deleting images. Not to mention a couple of videos. I have about 150 images left on the Airness.

(Gee – I’d best reformat my little micro sd card.)

Well, you guys have to see some more GoPro photos. Because – those are the only pictures I took today.

Spotted Puffer Fish
Spotted Puffer Fish
Lined butterflies, threadfin butterflies and a saddle wrasse. And owner of the GoPro.
Billy calls these guys Nani and Clyde. Nani means beautiful in Hawaiian.
northbound view of a southbound fish.
northbound view of a southbound fish.

Over 50 cases of dengue fever on our island.

One of the entrees at the asylum tonight is “apple glazed duck breast”. The entree here in winter quarters will be cheese sandwich with a little salad. And, I’d rather be here eating a cheese sandwich here. Than at the old bat cave eating glazed duck – never mind that it is “free wine night” as well.

Party Time

Outside the Palace.
Outside the Palace. 

It really is a “Palace” – and there really are members of the royal family still alive. And, they came to the party.

Note the selection of footwear.
Note the selection of footwear. Royals inside. Peggy outside.
The Royal Family
The Royal Family

These people would be called King, Queen, Prince, Princess – if it wasn’t for the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy – by “big sugar” and the US. But, we needn’t feel but so sorry for them – they are very wealthy. And active in politics – Republican of course.

And, we always point out the Hulihe'e Palace had electricity before the White House.
And, we always point out the Hulihe’e Palace had electricity before the White House. It was good to be king.

As for the party. It was good.

Now, for something really curious…

barnacles $10
barnacles $10 

Found these at the Kona Market in the “tourist trinket section” this morning. There is a reason that they call us “dumb haoles”…

Still lots of concern about dengue fever. Big public service ads in the local paper… Advising us to “wear long pants and shoes” – like that is going to happen. And telling us to cover ourselves with bug repellant – but it is completely sold out on the island.


Big Old Moray Eel
Big Old Yellow Eel

This old guy is huge. At least I think it is a yellow eel. Could be a viper eel. But, I think not. Viper eels are sort of evil looking and this guy just looks big.

Cute Little Snowflake Eel
Cute Little Snowflake Eel

And for something totally bad – a video of the big eel.

The video illustrates total lack of skill as an underwater videographer.

But, now, I must get ready to go to a fundraising event. I was told to wear a dress. I actually went to the thrift shop and acquired a dress, a pair of shoes, and a purse. Got change back from a twenty. No expense was spared! No,

OldPro vs GoPro, continued

Going Out.
Going Out.

Went swimming out by the harbor today. You can see a fishing boat going out when we were swimming out to see the fishes.

A little post processing
A little post processing

Lots and lots of fish – but they were too far away for the GoPro.

My swimming partner checking out the sea floor
My swimming partner checking out the sea floor

My wetsuit (and bodyfat) makes me too floaty to get down much past 10 feet. So, I couldn’t get down to where fishes were. But, they were there.

There is a boat that goes out to feed the fish in the fish farm. It came by. I did wonder about sharks. I mean, wouldn’t a shark follow the food truck? Not to worry, my swimming buddy is armed and dangerous – he always takes a butter knife out.

Going out.
Finis Pau Done – should have remembered to lick the lens.

It was a fine swim. We were out for about 50 minutes.

I took a few videos. And, edited one using GoPro Studio.

It isn’t worth looking at. Trust me. I’ll do better. Maybe.

Note to Carlton: I am starting to get used to you not being here at meal time. I was in the grocery store this afternoon and my hand instantly went to the small bottle of salad dressing. And, I must tell you – I have sort of given up cooking. I am still a killer hunter-gatherer – but, I hunt and gather stuff that is ready to eat. Fruit, salad, veggies, cheese, hardboiled eggs, oatmeal, granola bars, tuna.. I figure I fixed at least 25,000 meals for us over the years. 50,000 if you count it as 25,000 meals per person. And, that doesn’t include breakfast. Or snacks. So, I don’t cook any more.

OldPro vs GoPro continued

wetsuits  = underwater spanx!
wetsuits = underwater spanx!

I still seem to accidently set the creature off while I am swimming around. And, it happily snaps away.

Now for a few fish.

Lined butterfly and threadfin butterflies.
Lined butterfly and threadfin butterflies.
strippedbelly puffer
strippedbelly puffer – think a little color correction might be needed here

and finally,

popup for a little looksee
popup for a little looksee – don’t want to get lost!

Dengue fever cases: 33 now. But, no new shark problems.

Note to Carlton: Kona is the same. Other than dengue fever and sharks – the most serious problem seems to be the coral bleaching. At least 1/3 of the coral has turned pure white. The ocean was so warm this summer that the coral sort of ejected its friendly alge. Only time will tell if the coral recovers or dies.

Sort of laid back time here. The social season is starting to crank up. And, I try to remember your “Misery is optional” guidance.

OldPro vs GoPro

Haven't made it to the water yet.
Haven’t made it to the water yet.

Trying to figure out how to get the damn thing started – it decided to take 30 unflattering pictures of me.

swimming out to the fishes
swimming out to the fishes

Then, while I am swimming out – must have accidently fired off another 30 shots of me. I had the thing tethered to my left arm.

But, in less than an hour 345 photos were taken – either accidently or on purpose. Nothing fantastic or even very good – but a couple that are OK.

linded butterflyfish
lined butterflyfish


and a turtle

And when swimming in – saw a fine big eagle ray. Nope, no photo of it. Too far away.

OldPro Playing GoPro

Underexposure is very flattering to an old pro
Overexposed is very flattering to the old pro

And no, this wasn’t the GoPro – it was the google telephone.

The day was spent puttering around with a GoPro. I think I am too old to understand the GoPro concept. But, I don’t like that line of thinking. That is old person thinking. Don’t mind being an old person – since there doesn’t seem to be any good alternatives to being an old person – but – I don’t want to think like an old person. Might take some real pictures (stills) with it tomorrow. We all know I don’t do video.

That being said – the GoPro is just a strange camera. I even tried reading the fine manual.

and the go pro is pretty unkind to the old pro
and the gopro is pretty unkind to the old pro – bat wing arms and all.

And now – a little Kona

spam spam spam a lot of spam
spam spam spam a lot of spam

signs that you might be in kona…

IMG_20151107_065350 IMG_20151107_092959 IMG_20151107_115457

Plan was to do some serious experimenting with the Nexus camera. But, I wasn’t focused enough to patiently change settings etc. Maybe tomorrow.

Today… Mostly walking, snapping pictures of signs, little swim, tweaked a friend’s computer (windows10),  grocery shopping, nap, read. Watching football on tv and sort of pretending that Mr C was watching it too.

Carlton was quirky, fussy and a tad high maintenance, but he was damn good company.

Remember all that deacquisitioning that I did since Carlton died? I figure I got rid of 150 years worth of “stuff”. About 70 years of my stuff and 80 years of Carlton’s stuff. NOW, how do I keep from starting a new collection of stuff. More stuff will not make my life better. But, acquiring stuff is what Americans do.


1600 Hours – Kailua Pier

Swim Time
Swim Time
Beach TIme
Beach TIme
Fish and Canoe Time
Fish and Canoe Time

An all around fine day. Saw Saddle Butterflyfish and Reticulated Butterflyfish on this morning’s snorkel run. Made the fitbit happy.

Spring rolls for lunch. I haven’t felt the need to do any “cooking” yet. Veggies and cheese on tap for dinner.

Dengue Fever count up to 23 cases on our island. But, no shark bites.

Thinking about Erma Bombeck’s oft repeated quote:

Seize the moment. Think of all those women on the ‘Titanic’ who waved off the dessert cart.