
Thirty or so cranes in a mass box. 970 cranes to go on the senbazuru. 

This afternoon I punched my printer pretty hard. On all sides. I should have been arrested for printer abuse. But, the printer was sufficiently scared. It printed out two pages of ICE cards and non-business cards with the new address. I don’t think it is fixed. But, maybe it will keep working long enough to use up its expensive ink. 

Donald Trump leads in the republican primary race. It doesn’t mean anything, but it is amusing. 

Fighting the last war…

From the Genuine Official State of Virginia - what to do if you think you have ebola web page.
From the Genuine Official Commonwealth of Virginia – what to do if you think you have ebola web page.

Hospitals, like politicians and armies, are always preparing to fight the last war. My hospital is not an exception to this rule. So, today, I was Googling around, trying to find some verbiage to snag for an ebola after action report form that I was designing. For the last war. The time to prepare for ebola was 12 months ago. We should be preparing for something else now.

I looked at the Virginia Health Department site – makes sense. We are in Virginia. They are sort of in charge of some of our policies, procedures, requirements etc. I found the fine Commonwealth of Virginia wants to help you if you think you have ebola and don’t have a doctor. You should “Check a hospital’s yellow page advertisement…” Has anyone seen yellow pages lately? If you do find a yellow pages – I wonder how many hospitals are actively advertising for ebola patients.

What would I be worried about if I were a hospital – the total meltdown the internet, maybe. Or failure of cell phone service. I wouldn’t be worried about an outbreak of a killer virus that attacks humans. But, that is just me – and I worry about what I am told to worry about.

My printer – which has been dying since before Carlton died – just died. Well, truthfully, I just took it off life support. I got over 10 years hard service out of it. And, it was “carlton proof”. He could use it as a stand alone copy machine. RIP HP1312. It’s replacement has to fit into it’s space. Size matters.

Had a lovely dinner. The Four C’s. Cheese and Cherries from the farm market. Chocolate from Trader Joe. Coffee from Starbucks.

What ever happens…

Is what you planned. . . Even totally blown exposures.
Is what you planned. . . Even totally blown exposures.

This image is right out of the camera.

Sort of getting back on track move-wise. I have packed up 12 boxes. And, people are coming next week to help me figure out how to get rid of stuff. Stuff like The Ark of the Covenant – AKA – Carlton’s desk. And my old desk. And the spare bed. Plus some of my living room chairs. And the vintage desk chairs. And old tube TVs. And this. And that. And the other. And kitchen stuff and tools. And lamps.

Note to Carlton: Honest Carlton. No one wants your desk. Goodwill might get $100 for it. I know you loved it. You took better care of it than you did me. But but no one wants big brown furniture anymore. And, there really isn’t room for it in the old bat cave. Sooner or later it is going to go – so, it might as well be sooner. I already pitched the wax that you so lovingly applied on a regular basis. You didn’t ask me to take care of it. Thank you for that.

Anyone want The Ark – Come and get it. I see them on eBay for $500 – $2000 from time to time. But, I feel sure that is wishful thinking on the part of the owners of said big brown furniture…

Blog Post from June 1, 2004

falls church
tue 1-jun-04

As you can see, little progress has been made in the “lets get rid of the last 30 years of your life cleanup”. Today’s task was to get the oldest computer (Oct 1996 – $3,800 before extras – a really hot Pentium 100 laptop) ready for recycling. I collected all it’s specific software and parts and scrubbed it down using KillDisk. And boxed it and its stuff up. Also filled up a grocery bag with unloved software and cables. Hope the Goodwill will take them.

Saw Keith Richards on TV last night. That boy is a human cockroach. No way he should still be alive. It sort of makes me proud of our species. And that feeling is hard to come by these days.


The July 27, 2015 post

What we have above is my web posting from the last time I did a massive move. I survived that. I can survive this. (See the web posting as it still exists. I told you I have been blogging since before blogging)

Went through a little moving slump/depressed period today. I gave myself a good talking to. Packed two boxes. Contacted movers. And I am now having beer and cheese.

And like 11 years ago: I still have old computers to sanitize and get rid of. Except I am using Boot and Nuke vice KillDisk. I haven’t decided about getting rid of my Windows computer. I really only use it to make “backup” copies of DVDs. And, to drive the scanner part of my old multifunction printer/scanner. I made “backup” copies of DVDs for Carlton. And, I have a little scanner that the Airness drives nicely. SO, I might just get rid of the Lenovo. (If I don’t get rid of it my lawyer will after I die. Just do it now Peggy, when someone can still use a sweet little lenovo – windows 7 – any takers? Lenovo q150. Bring your own monitor. Mine is connected to the TV.) The funky Fujitsu 810 is already ready to go.

Did I mention? I sent my Kindles to some guy in California who says he uses them at his public school. I choose to believe him.

And Keith Richard is still a good advertisement for the human species. Plus, Sir Mick is a great grandfather.


Lazy Sunday…

On the shelves at the asylum library… Not Promising.
The Library Magazine Collection - No People, Sports Illustrated, or Vogue Allowed.
The Library Magazine Collection – No People, Sports Illustrated, or Vogue Allowed.
In keeping with the library theme, the family librarian is on his annual adventure.
In keeping with the library theme, the family librarian is on his annual adventure.

Walked down to the asylum this morning. I enjoyed an early lunch in the “Formal Dining Room”. I rather enjoy having an early lunch in that room. They have some tables for one. And, likeminded antisocial old people occupy those tables and enjoy their Sunday papers. Early, you miss the after church “rush”. The trip to the asylum on foot with the bus back is a little over five miles which makes the fitbit happy.

Did nothing movewise today.

Did origami today. Masu Boxes.

Sunday Paper inserts make good practice papers
Sunday Paper inserts make good practice papers
Lids too!
Lids too!
And, I can store my cranes in the box.
And, I can store my cranes in the box.

Glad I remembered masu boxes. They are easy and useful.


Bee Wing
Tiny Bubbles – click on it for closer view

I didn’t know that was what a bee’s wing looked like. It is rather lovely. From this afternoon’s walk.

Moving activity of the day: Some more address changes.

Note to Carlton. Glad you are dead. Because this would definitely kill you. The asking rent for the apartment is $250 per month less than I am currently paying – and that is after they redo the bathrooms, kitchen and put down hardwood floors.

I know you are annoyed that I am paying to get out of the lease early – but honest – after four months – I am ahead of the game. I did the math.

And, now I think – if it isn’t too hot I’ll walk down to the asylum for dinner. If it is too hot – I’ll bus it.



lavender bees
lavender bees

Last nice day before the heat returns. But no good pictures. Just this bee in lavender plants.

Dinner at the asylum was only OK. Someone in the kitchen seems to have mixed up the snow peas and the english peas. Have you noticed that I have lots of complaints about the veggies! I ate dinner with 3 other old ladies – including my next door neighbor. She says that has been lots of action in my unit.

Took a different bus to the asylum and walked around the neighborhood. It is as I thought – strip malls for as far as the eye can see or feet can walk. But, I knew that. I was just hoping I had missed something.

Today’s moving task: Got rid of one of Carlton’s pictures and a bag of medical supplies left over from the MASH unit I ran for Carlton. Not a big day. But I got something done.

A photo to snap with your macro lens…

st michael's mass daisy
st michael’s mass daisy – with an extra dose of magenta from Photoshop

Sad news – I found out that the asylum only has free wine on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Oh well, into every life a little sobriety must fall. Had dinner there again tonight. I tested the kitchen by ordering the grilled swordfish. With pineapple salsa. Swordfish is real easy to mess up. But, it was fine. Really good in fact. And then I got a ride back home with my lawyer. Met some 70ish ladies who are nice liberal social activists. I was told that the asylum make great onion rings. I must give them a try. And acceptable burgers and good fries.

Moving activity of the day. Filled Carlton’s roll-a-board with picture frames and rolled it down to the Goodwill. That mile was likely the most it had ever rolled outside of an airport.


Things you shouldn’t shoot with your macro lens…

walking towards clarendon - my preferred shopping area. I can still get to it by bus from the asylum.
walking towards clarendon – my preferred shopping area. I can still get to it by bus from the asylum.
bikes parked at my metro stop. love the green wheels.
bikes parked at my metro stop. love the green wheels. well, tires, actually.
the fence was open at the substation. very frankenstein.
the fence was open at the substation. very frankenstein.

The only blemish on this lovely summer afternoon – the Pie Life ladies were not at the afternoon market in Clarendon.

Taking it one chunk at a time: The move that is… I am keeping two things in mind. Just chip away at the project little by little. And after I die – my lawyer will just haul everything to the dump. SO, they I took a load of junk to the trash room. And that covered both of my objectives.

Better Today – much better

small skipper
small skipper

Much better weather today. Move progress: took a peg-sized load to the Goodwill. Then I bused to the Old Bat Asylum. Where I did dinner. Salmon with an interesting garnish of sun dried tomatoes. And green beans. Lots of lukewarm green beans. And cheesecake. And wine. All that for $1.90 – which is round trip bus fare. Oh yes, coffee too. The coffee is rather wimpy. The espresso is rather wimpy too. I discovered that coffee with a double shot of espresso is a passable beverage.

Walking to the bus stop, I was thinking that life would be simpler with a car. As luck would have it – as soon as I completed that thought – a couple of cars ran into each other. Now these two folks lives just got way more more complicated. The bus is good. “My” bus is the preferred method of transit for Arlington’s Hispanic worker bees. Everyone on the bus is unfailingly polite to me – I am always offered a seat and I am watched over if the bus gets overwhelmed by young people.

Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 7.48.03 PMLots better today! And tomorrow is looking fine too.



Our ace maintenance guys had their priorities right - shovel out Starbucks first.
March 5 – we should have save a little of the chill!

Didn’t do much move-wise today. Too lazy for that. Didn’t go to eat at the asylum. Too hot for that. Did go for an exercise walk. Too hot for that too. Too a nap. Good temp for that. Didn’t go to the pool. Pool is closed on Monday.

I am being a pretty boring old lady today. Don’t know what I can do about that. Need to get out of this “moving” funk. I have at least 2 months before M-Day. So, what to do? I’ll think about it. A mini-vaci maybe?

I don't think it is a evil as it was yesterday.
I don’t think it is as evilly hot as it was yesterday.

Need a vacation…

january 1, 2015
january 1, 2015

I want this move crap over. It has taken up too much of my life already.

Hotter than the hinges of Hades here today. Everyone moving very slow. If at all. The pool is like warm bath water. Free cooked by someone else food with wine lagniappe did not lure me down to the asylum. And tomorrow is promised to be the same. Oh well. It is summer.

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