A beautiful day in the neighborhood

Kailua Bay - canoe practice
Kailua Bay – canoe practice this afternoon.

What is it about the ocean? Why does even the smallest swim in the ocean make my day 100% better. And, why is it that swimming pools – even ones in Hawai’i – don’t work? For me at least.

And, today’s image from the $99 crappy camera.

Lots of fishes.
Lots of fishes.

Just think how great this image would be with a “real” camera. It was pretty special in person. And no, I am not having “real” underwater camera lust.

Getting ready to “do something with” my 1,000+ photos from American Samoa. This is one of the many churches. Many of them seem to have been built like this one. This is one of Congregational churches left over from the initial missionary assault on Samoa. The Congregational missionaries came from London – not New England like the missionaries that came to Hawai’i. This would be in the 1830’s.

Pago Pago - one of many churches.
Pago Pago – one of many churches.

Rain and Water – just photos today

Rainy Day in Pago Pago
Rainy Day – Pago Pago Harbor

The black stuff piled up on the boat are fishing nets. I did not have a nice yellow rainslicker.

The view from by hotel.
The view from my hotel room.

Nice day today. It seemed warmer. Had a very nice swim.


Lots of lavender tangs
Lots of lavender tangs
and a girl
and a girl


22 years, but we never really cared…


Mr C and The Ninja Bride - 1992
Mr C and The Ninja Bride – 1992

We never celebrated our wedding anniversary. Indeed, the only days we observed were the Winter Solstice and Alex Sikorsky Day (sometime in April – it was a very special day to Carlton. On that day Carlton’s first wife got remarried to Alex Helicopter and alimony stopped. This was before my time.)

However, I am celebrating tonight – dinner at the local micro brewery with friends. And, Carlton is buying.

This is also Carlton AA anniversary. (43 to those keeping score) I remember being astounded by “celebrating AA anniversary”. My exact words were something like “What the F…, they give you a cake, cards and even presents for not doing something that was killing you??? Where are my presents for not scarfing down a box of rat poison?” Amazing that our relationship lasted “until death do us part”. Amazing that it lasted past that statement which I uttered during our 3rd or 4th date.

Still cold here. But, I went out at noon, and promised myself a hot shower and soup for lunch.

Parrot fish captured with the $99 camera
Parrot fish captured with the $99 camera
Paddle Boarding with grand kid and dog
Paddle Boarding with kid and dog – also with the $99 camera

This woman was coming back in with her kid/grandkid on the board. But the big dog made it interesting. She has the dog and the board attached to the same ankle. The kid has a life vest.


Just a normal winter day on the pier

Box Jelly
Box Jelly

My priorities are a little skewed. I really don’t worry about sharks or dengue fever (202 cases so far). But, box jelly fish scare me. If I see one – even a dead one on the beach – I take it as a sign from the goddess and I stay out of the water. Which wasn’t hard today. Gusty trades and cool temps. Only visitors from Alaska, Oh Canada, and Minnesota were in the ocean today.

Great white
Great white – Yesterday

I know a couple of people who have seen a whale this season. I haven’t seen any and the whales are reported to be MIA. Normally they would be here in great number by now. Seems it it is so warm in Alaska waters that the whales have delayed the migration.

Welding truck
Welding truck

And, this cute truck belongs to HotSpot Welding.

Big, 30 foot faces, waves on the other islands today. Around here – nothing. And, Paul Allen’s little yacht took off for ports unknown.

Note to Carlton: Remember the Vava II, the futuristic yacht that was here in the winter of 2014, the one that gave you the $100 tip? Of course you remember a $100 tip. Well, I looked it up to see if it was anywhere near. Nope, the Vava II is in Port Antarctica. I didn’t know you could just drive your yacht up to Antarctica and park it.

Malama i ke kai

The beach in front of my hotel.
The beach in front of my hotel.
The beach on Xmas afternoon
The beach on Xmas afternoon
Enough said.
Enough already.

The “Malama Kai” – take care of the ocean – sadly – has not made the journey to American Samoa. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Polynesia is notoriously trashy. But, I had hoped for better from AMERICAN Samoa. If for 3,000 years you wrapped your lunch up in a banana leaf and just left the banana leaf when you were done – why wouldn’t you do the same with your plastic plate? A culture/technology clash that isn’t pretty. But, culture/technology clashes are never pretty.

Enough with bitching about the litter. Let me tell you what I did NOT see. I saw no homeless people. Not one. And, it wasn’t like the Pago Pago city fathers were hiding them. There were no homeless people. And, I saw no one wandering around wacked out on drugs. I rode all around the island on crowded buses and was always treated with utmost respect. I was always given a “good” seat up front. And this same courtesy was extended to elderly locals as well.  The Samoans get an “F” for Malama the aina – but an “A” for malama the people on the aina.

So, today, I exhausted myself by 9AM. With walking and yoga. That left me in great shape to do my New Year’s correspondence. Tomorrow – I’ll tackle start of 2016 bookkeeping.

And a real macro-ish shot from this morning’s walk.


Day 2 of 2016

Exciting Downtown Pago Pago
Exciting Downtown Pago Pago

Wifi on the 2nd floor. $5. Five dollars will also buy an entire stalk of bananas.

Today, I was going to attend to some New Year’s correspondence, email and snail. But, it didn’t. Maybe, I’ll do better tomorrow.

But, I did long my 5 miles, and I did a little yoga and went for a nice swim. There were no fisherpeople – so, I floated around with the fishies.

little mackrel
little mackerel

In keeping with my plan to eat real food – I steamed some cauliflower with chicken, and enjoyed it with a very fine orange for lunch. Cheese sandwich with pineapple is on tap for dinner.

President Trump? It couldn’t happen, could it? Feb 1 is the Iowa Caucus. A week later, New Hampshire. This is the party that ran Barry Goldwater. (Nevermind that my party ran George McGovern) Messrs Goldwater and McGovern were unelectable. Mr Trump is unpardonable.


2016 begins

Midnight - Paul Allen did have fireworks.
Midnight – Paul Allen did have fireworks.

2016 started with Paul Allen’s fireworks as viewed from my lanai. About 15 minutes worth. Thank you, Mr Allen.

The sun peaked over the mountain at about 7:30
The sun peeked over the mountain at about 7:30

I started 2016 by waiting for sunrise on the pier. Then I went to breakfast at Fish Hopper. I did that last year too. A new tradition. Then I did my 5 mile walk. After eggs, bacon, rice, and toast – no way I could skip my walk.

Before long it was time for a little yoga and a little swim. The water was choppy. I wasn’t going to take the crappy camera – but, if I left it in the bag – I wouldn’t have captured this cute little eel.

Little moray eel
Little moray eel

and finally – just for fun …

BTW – huli means flip

2015 Ends


This cartoon is a long standing blog tradition. That really was Carlton’s ideal New Year’s Eve. And it is what we always did. It is what I’ll do tonight. Using my Kindle. And a nice cup of tea. However, I am hoping that Paul Allen will have fireworks for us tonight. Sometimes, he does. Our village is too impoverished to have our own fireworks.

Yesterday was the day that Carlton and I considered our “anniversary” – this would be 37 years. And January 5th is our 22nd wedding anniversary.

Note to Carlton: I think you are going to buy me a used long and slow lens for an anniversary present. Nevermind that you don’t believe in presents. I have been taking good care of your money, you can afford to get me a new long and fast lens. But they weigh about 6 pounds more than long and slow. As for the used – all my lenses are used. So is my body (camera and actual). And, for that matter, you were used too.

Funny, I still think of “my” money as “Carlton’s Money” and “My Money”. I pay for all my expenses out of “My Money”. “Carlton’s Money” paid my entrance fee into the old ladies asylum. It was his idea that I move there. So, it was only fair that he should pay my way in. But, I pay the monthly rent out of “My Money”. Sort of like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

Enjoyed real food today. Steamed some broccoli and chicken breast. Served it with a really fine orange. Real food.

Walked my 5 miles, did some yoga, went for a little swim. Took some fish pictures with the not very good $99 camera.

The ever popular yellowtang
The ever popular yellowtang

getting back to “normal”

The Don't Drink the Water Cafe
The Don’t Drink the Water Cafe – American Samoa

I got the message. I didn’t drink the water in Samoa. And, about all I ate was beef jerky (thanks Billy), instant oatmeal, and peanut butter (no jelly) sandwiches. Most days, I had one carefully selected meal out. Something from McDonalds, powdered eggs, grilled wahoo sandwiches and SteinLager. Today, I loaded up the fridge with fruit, veggies, cheese, chicken, yogurt – real food. And, by the way – I seem to have avoided any food borne illnesses. But, I don’t want anymore peanut butter (no jelly) sandwiches for a while.

Just got my 1443 images off the SD cards and out of Shamu the Phone and into the Lightroom. 100 images. That is my goal.

Nothing evil in the the mail packet from the asylum. But, I have a suggestion: Turn the surveillance of suspected terrorists over to my college alumni team. I have been trying to escape from them for 50 years. I have moved lots of times. I have NEVER told them where I am. They still think I am married to my starter husband. But, the bastards find me. They have tracked me to the old ladies asylum.


Back in Kona

The Meduse
The Meduse – Seems like Paul Allen is back in the village too.

Got back to Winter Quarters a little after 9AM. Uneventful transit from American Samoa.

I got a mail packet from Falls Church. I will not open it until tomorrow when I should be more rested. The mail has waited since before Thanksgiving – it can wait for another day.

Carlton and I had different ideas about what to do as soon as you return from a trip. I put my unopened luggage in my closet and would get back in regular life. (Over the next week, I would unpack the luggage.) Carlton would immediately unpack his luggage, put things away, and stash the empty bags. Well, Carlton, today I did it your way. I really had to unpack – since my luggage was stuffed with wet/damp clothes. I unpacked, washed and dried clothes, and put everything away. It wasn’t so bad.

Having a little trouble with my Lightroom. Hopefully, I’ll get it sorted out and will be able to get all of my Samoa photos together.

NOW: Time to start planning my next trip.

Samoa and more rain


It is a little after 4pm, leaving the hotel for the airport at 8pm. The plane flies at 11:30pm.

Went for a walk this morning and got completely drenched, right down to my granny panties. My skirt is not going to be close to dry. I’ll break out my emergency dry clothes and pack the wet stuff.

A little distress this afternoon. About five years ago, I had a series of nose bleeds. I had a little nose bleed this noon. I hope the plane ride doesn’t restart the bleeding.

I would say that my trip to Samoa has been a success. 4 days of sun. 3 days of rain. Took about 1000 pictures. Mostly bats.

Time to get packing.


Samoa Sunless Sunday 

This big ass oil tanker parked next door early this morning. By far the most interesting thing that happened all day.

Sunday in samoa: beaches – closed, buses – not running, stores- locked tight, hiking trails –  gates locked, market – shutdown, rain- fully operational. 

So, I went for a small wet walk, read, drank coffee, made peanut sandwich, did some yoga, went for a second wet walk and discovered that Micky D was open. I was the only customer at 12:45. Came back to my room and watched frigate birds. Frigate birds can catch their own fish, but, they much preferred to steal it from other  birds. 


I think this is the greater Frigatebird wingspan about 7 feet. Which is the only reason I can photograph it with my macro lens. This is an adult because it is not showing any white spots.