Has it only been 2 weeks for the Orange Lord?

no countries nuked, no martial law, YET.
I actually went outside today. 5PM today.

Have you contributed to the Bowling Green Massacre Victims Fund?

That about sums up the week. 

Had a little relapse this morning. But, I believe that I finally started getting better. I am tired of my bathroom. I am tired of soup. 

Still getting better… but

Whitespotted Surgeonfish

The whitespotted surgeonfishes are from last month… Don’t go swimming today. But, I did 30 minutes of very easy yoga and according to my fitbit – I walked 2.5 miles today. Not all at one time, but in several chunks. Back in the day, I could bounce back in 24 hours or so… I am not so bouncy these day!

I am still getting better… but the Orange Lord seems to be getting crazier by the day. Let us see: with in the last week in addition to the immigration mess he has pissed off Mexico and Australia and he seems to be trying to pick a fight with Iran. That is just the big stuff.

The Brits are trying to keep him out of Great Britain so he will not be able to insult the Queen in person. Ollie the Bobcat escaped from the National Zoo, apparently Ollie was trying for political asylum in one of the nearby embassies. (Ollie was found and returned.)

Today, the Orange Lord said “The world is in trouble, but we’re going to straighten it out, OK? That’s what I do – I fix things,” 

I don’t see this getting better anytime soon.  

Feeling Better Today.

I little quiet time at the pool

Yesterday, I couldn’t make it out of my bathroom. I actually made it out of my room today. According to my FitBit I wandered about 1.5 miles. Not all at one time.

And, now, I seem to be having a little WordPress issue. It will not let me do images. Not that I took any pictures today. And, I am sure not perky enough tonight to research this. Fixed it on Thursday.

And, I am not perky enough to look at the latest antics of the Orange Lord. But, some things are creeping in… In a “Black History Month” kick off – he sounded like the hasn’t a clue who Fredrick Douglass was. And, he apparently behaved badly on a phone call with the Australian PM. It is enough to make one ill. Maybe I don’t have Norovirus. Maybe I have mal de trump.

I need a sick day.

Sick as a dog. Norovirus or generic gastroenteritis. First symptoms showed up at about 2am. 5pm now. So sick that I haven’t even wanted coffee. I drank 1/2 a cup and it rushed out of both ends at the same time. So, sick that I cancelled tomorrow’s Parasailing adventure. Well, rescheduled it. The were super about it. I might be recovered by tomorrow AM. Or not. Parasailing next Wednesday.
To my medical friends: Temp 100.4, chills, muscle aches – maybe from hard yoga session on Sunday, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. (Frequently simultaneous). Working hard at keeping water on board. I know that is TMI.

On the plus side, I didn’t think much about politics!

Monday night massacre – not good

 The Akule vs The Amberjack

I feel like We the People are the akule and The Orange Lord is the Amberjack. We really can not do anything to him. We just have to hope he doesn’t eat all of us.

Feeling very depressed about the future. Tried retail therapy. Bought my 2016 tax software. Trust me – that didn’t work for retail therapy. Somehow, I bet that I pay more taxes than The Orange Lord.

You know it is a sad day when Dead Eye Dick Cheney and I agree on something. When I fondly remember Paul Wolfowitz. 


Exactly what was I thinking. That is pretty chilly. 

Well, there is always hot chocolate.

Getting less OK by the day…

No country nuked, no martial law, YET
The Akule School

Had a lovely swim today with the bait school. I shared the school with a diver who had a real camera. But, you shoot with what you have.  

Also walked my 5 miles and did 60 minutes of yoga today. 

Unfortunately, I also had time to reflect on the recent actions of Dear Leader. 

Question: what will happen first:

  • Martial law
  • A Kent State type event
  • The Republicans will read the constitution and discover Section 4 of the 25th Amendment

My money’s on martial law. But, I also believe that the Republican party will invoke Section 4 of the 25 amendment. Sooner rather than later. That way they will be able to ram the real Republican agenda into law before the midterms. At least that is what I would do. 

Note to Carlton: You would have LOVED the Australian Open. The Williams sisters played each other in the women’s final – Serena won. Then Federer and Nadal played in the men’s final. Federer won.

Note to new readers:


See that orange number. It is usually zero. But, if you want to send me a comment – all you have to do is click on it. 

No need to go to your email.


No outrage, just pictures…

sunrise at old airport

Hate it when the image doesn’t need any help from Photoshop. Especially when it is straight out of Shamu the Phone.

if it’s old cars, it must be saturday

So, I did some serious messing with these old cars.

nice in the ocean, but not much luck taking pictures

Just realized. I have a picture from each of my cameras today. Shamu the Phone. The Oly DSLR. The cheap ass underwater Oly.

Now, I have this moral dilemma. Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon. In principal, I am opposed to helicopter tourism in National Parks. But, I want to take a helicopter ride. I would have no issues taking a helicopter at the west end – the part that is still in the hands of the Hualapai Indians. In fact, one can on certain days of the week buy a ride on the ‘copter that goes into the canyon to service the village at the bottom. But, I can not get to the western part of the canyon. 

So, how does this sound. I do the helicopter. And, donate twice as much as I spent on the helicopter to the National Parks Foundation or better yet, The Grand Canyon Association? Sort of like buying an indulgence.

Not my monkeys. Not my circus. Don’t worry. The snarkiness will return.

What a week! But, we are still here.

No nukes, no martial law. Yet. 
Makani Olu and Kai Opua Canoe Club – this morning. Could have been 1885.

That was one hell of a week wasn’t it, girls and boys? The best day was Saturday! 

The only thing that happened last week that surprised me was the splendid outpouring of disapproval on Saturday. Think about John Kerry. At 11:59 AM on Friday, he was Secretary of State. 24 hours later, he was marching. With his dog and wife. If we can keep this spirit alive – we might get through this. But not without a fight many fights. 

And who would have imagined that Park Rangers and Nasa nerds would establish the first beachheads in the war. 

I am proud to have an NPS and an Obama poster on my wall in the Old Bat Cave. 

Do those celebrating the new immigration restrictions realize the Jesus couldn’t get a visa? Or is the fact that Jesus was a brown, homeless, radical an alternative fact. 

Love “alternative facts”… Thank you Donald.

I will be first in line to sign the “Muslim Registry” when it comes to pass. 

Makani Olu and Kai Opua Canoe Club – this morning – the 2017 version.

(Click on the images for larger versions.)

2 and 1/2 minutes until midnight.

No nukes launched, no martial law. Yet. But the Doomsday Clock ticked 30 seconds closer to midnight.
female spotted box fish

This adorable tiny fish a female spotted box fish. They are very common where I normally swim. Speaking of swimming – really cloudy today. The ocean, not the sky. So this image is from a week or so ago. 

So, now we are going to tax imports from Mexico to pay for that wall. Since I am self centered and superficial – what does this mean to me? Well, there is beer. Avocadoes and other veggies – but I really try to buy veggies locally. 

I am increasingly concerned that the current insanity will end in bloodshed.

Speaking of insanity:

Section 4 of the 25th Amendment: Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Of course, Pence is problematic. 

Had a nice lunch with my friends from Iowa. Beer and pizza. 
Note to self: Yoga after beer and pizza not the best idea. 

Two Views

No countries nuked. Martial law hasn’t been declared. Yet. But, I don’t have a warm fuzzy feeling about this. 
what that visitor’s bureau wants you to see – sunrise at Honls Beach.
what the visitor’s bureau doesn’t want you to see – sunrise at Niumalu Beach.

Can not decide what to be outraged about today. The pipeline, the great wall, the immigration policy, or the total insanity. But, I can not say I am surprised. It was going to happen. 

Wondering – will this end in civil war. If so, I think that team trump has more guns than my team. Should we arm ourselves? 

Not my monkeys. Not my circus.

On a cheerier note. Arranged to go parasailing next Wednesday. They said do you want to go up 800 feet or 1,200 feet. Guess what I picked. 

Spent 10 cents for 2 pair of cosy socks at the thrift shop. It think that is about all the shopping that I need to do for my trip to Grand Canyon. I wonder if martial law will be in place in Chicago when I get there?

Less OK today

Still hasn’t nuked anyone. But, has tweeted about sending the federales into Chicago. And, has gagged EPA and USDA scientists. Not exactly Martial Law, but…
Found by an outstanding turtle today.

Nice day. Went out for a nice breakfast and swim with my friend Billy. Then I sort of lounged for the rest of the day. Well, I did my yoga. And, mess around with photos… This big ole turtle came swimming right under me. It was really choppy, and I was bouncing around like a cork in my wetsuit. 

A con man, a pervert and a fascist walk into a bar. What will it be, Mr President? asks the barkeep.

And, I found this cute octopus.

I didn’t hang around to check the octopus out too carefully, because it was very choppy and I was at a squeeze point between rocks, ropes and paddle boarders… Best to keep moving.


Still OK: No martial law. No nukes launched. But “I think sometimes we can disagree with the facts.” – Sean Spicer Trump’s Press Secretary. 

I don’t do videos very often. But, this one is for Trude, who says the weather back at the asylum is “trampy”. Guess that is better than “slutty”. (Jan 22 – Honls) Look at it in full screen. Humor me.

Now, about this “…we can disagree with the facts” shit. As in 2+2 doesn’t equal 4. Maybe it equals 22. Maybe it doesn’t even equal a number. Maybe 2+2 equals an elephant. How does this work? 

But I have decided to disagree with the facts: DJT is not my president. The office of the president of the USA is vacant at present. 

Not my circus. Not my monkeys.

OK. Some ground rules. No disrespecting Melania, I view her as a victim – when you marry for money you earn every penny of it. And, hands off that unfortunate son. But, the rest of them… open season. Let the ridicule begin. 

For a moment, just think how DJT must have felt on January 21. How happy he must have been in his alternative fact parallel universe when he saw on Fox News that all over the world millions had taken to the streets to cheer his ascendancy to The Office of Tsar of the Free World. And they were wearing those cute pink hats.  

Back to my world. Went out for a good swim today. Added a few fish to my collection.

Moorish Idol

Guess this fish will have to sign up on the Muslim Registry.