
On the 25B.

I am usually interested in the other bus people. Maybe I provide some entertainment for my fellow riders. 

Went down for dinner tonight. Didn’t see anyone I wanted to dine with. Didn’t see anything that I wanted to eat except something wildly unhealthy like grilled cheese sandwich or taco salad or quesadillas. And, the whole place smelled of fried liver. So, retreat back to The OBC for egg sandwich and a beer. With coffee and chocolate for dessert. Not exactly health food – but healthier than the asylum offerings and NO fried liver smells. And, that is why I always have something to eat in my apartment. 


Getting ready to do some yoga this afternoon. I get a travel yoga mat out of the closet. I give it a huge shake. And out pops my cheapass long lens. Smash, bounce, Quick as a bunny, the lens is attached to the camera. 

And, big sigh of relief, the camera/lens seems to work OK. 

The Visit to the othropod…

Not wearing these. No way. Not happening.

Who know that when you go to see the orthopedic guy they expect you to wear these gym bloomers – in size X-Lg no less. Nope. Not me. I wore my leggings and French not granny panties. 

Seems like I have a little lumbar osteoarthritis and sciatica. Which I sort of knew anyhow. And that it just got way worse for a couple of weeks when I was in Hawai’i but everything is hunky dory. Stronger drugs were suggested and maybe a visit or two to PT. 

What is not hunky dory, is the Federal Government. And some of the states aren’t so hot shit great either. It is beyond bad.

I always cringe when our leaders or anyone says “God Bless America” – like what about the rest of the world? “Yo God, you bless us and screw everyone else.” Now, I wish they would say “God Save the Country” as in “God Save the Queen”. And while we are at it, what exactly is God supposed to be saving the Queen from? Prince Philip? The Corgis? But, this isn’t funny. 

Monday escaped The Asylum…

Carlton’s Tennis Court Memorial – today.

I know the old guy loves this. As a bonus, it was a fine sunny spring day and two gentlemen of a certain age were playing on “his” courts. I stopped off at “his” courts on my way to lunch in Maryland.

And, how did I get to Maryland, being sans car?

  • Walk, longer than necessary for exercise.
  • Bus.
  • Stop and visit the tennis court.
  • Metro.
  • Transfer to another Metro.
  • Uber.

I could have Ubered all the way. But, then I would have had to spend some time exercising. And I would rather get my exercise “accidently”. 

Had a nice lunch with Carlton’s boss. We talked about grandkids, dementia, and our respective Asylums. He said they only got free wine one night a week. 

Tomorrow: work at hospital, first yoga class in almost 5 months, see orthopedic guy. 

Sunday at The Asylum…


The day got off to a bad start. There were no prunes at breakfast. Oh no, I cannot go. 

I usually sort of hideout in The Old Bat Cave after breakfast on Sunday. Sunday’s are sort of weird around The Asylum. People have guests they don’t want to have. People want to have guests but don’t. People are coming and going for church. Lunch is a big deal. And, dinner is always a mess because only one dining venue is open after lunch. 

So, I stay in the Old Bat Cave and feed myself. 

But, today, I had to venture out and take an “environment photograph”.

Visiting Artist

For a person who doesn’t photograph people, I think I did a good job. Several of my friends want me to take environment photographs of all of the staff over the next 6 months. I don’t think they know that they want “environment photographs” – but they do – otherwise the pictures will look like the Sophomore Class 2015 at Our Lady of Perpetual Boredom. 

BTW – we have a huge staff. So, I’ll need to have a plan. And be damn good at execution. 

I am contented here. I miss the great location and killer view that I had in the apartment. I have to be happy with a good view here. And, the location… let us just say that the bus service is fine. 

I sort of like buses. I am nearly always the only caucasian on board. And, I am nearly always treated with deference. Buses are hardcore, gritty, real… Nothing cutting edge, glittery or soft about them.

Doing lunch tomorrow with Carlton’s old boss. He confronted Mr C about his drinking, got his sorry ass to AA and continued to be his boss and friend until the day he died. The Boss lives at a more upscale Asylum in Maryland. We are lunching at one of his clubs. The one that lets women in. Note to self: Don’t bite the hand that is buying your lunch.

And, one photo fun shot –

We go through a lot of wine here at The Asylum

Saturday at The Asylum…

Welcome to my world. 
Where I captured my first insect of the season today.
Where the snow is in piles.
The jello is frighteningly blue.
And the food coffins are lined up for Sunday Brunch.

I did not go on any adventure. Being a total nerd – installing Android Nougat on Shamu the Phone was an adventure. A rather boring adventure. Sort of like a senior citizen bus trip. BUT, that is just how I wanted the update to unfold. 


Unresolved Discontent…

Grand Canyon – Sunrise

I seem to be suffering from a mild case of what Carlton called – unresolved discontent this evening. It just pounced on me when I came in my door after a nice happy hour and dinner. 

I am currently daunted by the thought of 2 days with no work to go to or obligations. Other than washing my unmentionables. 

The short term solution is to make some tea and jump in bed with a nice book. “Long term” solution is to go on a little adventure tomorrow. And by tomorrow evening I should be all good again. As long as I don’t just hang around and sulk.

Good new from the mammogram. Normal, but old, tits. And, I got the colonoscopy sales pitch today. Not sure that I am going to get one. Had one once. It was very unpleasant. 

No reason at all for unresolved discontent. Onward to “Tea and Trashy Novel” therapy!

Sunset for Amtrak?

Sunset – Mar 5 – New Mexico – Amtrak

Amtrak is on the Orange Lord’s budget hit list. Even my bleeding liberal heart is hard pressed to support long line passenger trains with tax money. But I would really hate to see passenger trains vanish. 

No news on the mammogram.

Great news from Carlton’s dermatologist. “Go in peace, old woman and come see me again next year”. Which is about as good as a doctor visit gets at my age.

Still cold. 3 buses to hospital this AM. With a stop for coffee. And one bus home. It is too cold, dark and icy to make it to hospital using the one bus option. 

Tomorrow. Work. Visit gastroenterologist. Maybe take taxes to accountant. Depends on weather and how long the doctor visit takes. 

Hello, spring?

And spring is where?

It was seriously cold this morning at 0600 hours when I headed out for my mammogram appointment at 0700 hours. It took 3 buses and a stop for coffee.

As for the mammogram – well – all you ladies know how those go. But, at least I didn’t have to wait. Last time I had a mammogram – it was the first time since Carlton died. And, I spent a lot of time worrying about “what if”. Well, this time I am OK, and if “what if” happens – well – I am certain that my friends will circle around and everything will “work out just like it is supposed to”.

However, when I went to check in at my office I found that the office had moved! And nobody told me. I felt like a kid who came home from school and found out that her parents had moved during the school day! The new office space is really nice. We still share with the chaplains – and that is cool. We actually have a window! It is also closer to the Starbucks. Seems to be all good.

Then it was time to come back to The Asylum. This time, I decided to walk part of the way. And, it was even colder. Temperature was up a little and the wind was up a lot. Two buses. No coffee stop. 

Tomorrow’s medical adventure is a visit to Carlton’s dermatologist. Not looking forward to this. 

Snow Day.

Big fat flakes.

What can I say, a snow day. But, snow is no biggie in the asylum – they started plowing the employee parking lot as soon as the flakes started hitting the ground. Most everyone stayed in doors. By noon, all most all of the outside paths had been shovelled and salted. I walked my 5 miles (first time in a week) – all indoors. Did yoga. Filled out paperwork for upcoming doctor visits. And had dinner with my next door neighbor who is a old enough to be my mother. Knowing people who are well into their 90s who still live active lives always makes me think. Most of them are resolutely content. How well would I be doing if I make it 20 more years? Scarey isn’t it. 

when early spring collides with late winter

Less Taxing Today.

I have been trying all day to figure out how to turn my microwave into a camera!

“There was an article this week that talked about how you can surveil someone through their phones, through their—certainly through their television sets, any number of different ways,” KellyAnne Conway said. “And microwaves that turn into cameras, et cetera. So we know that that is just a fact of modern life.”

Or maybe it is “microwaves” as in a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths ranging from one meter to one millimeter; with frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz. 

Maybe by some sort of quantum-mechanical transformation the waves turn into tiny little cameras. Or not. Or both. This being quantum physics. Which of course brings up Schrödinger’s cat, which might mean we could use our microwaves to solve our mouse problems. 

Sorry for the silliness. Taxes tired the brain. But, I have I nice tidy package ready to deliver to The Tax Guy. I still have to clean up, there are files and papers covering every flat surface. But, that can wait until tomorrow. When it is supposed to snow. I am like a kid – waiting to see if my doctor’s office is closed tomorrow. Or if I’ll be slip sliding my way through a blizzard to the Hospital. At least if I fall and fracture something – I’ll already have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon! Well, they just sent me a message saying they would not open until 10AM tomorrow and since my appointment is for 9AM – well, I am out of luck. Or, if the weather is bad, I’ll guess I am in luck. Glad I didn’t waste any time worrying about the snow. As Carlton liked to say “Things work out just like they should”… Whatever that meant.

From The Asylum: I went to a meeting about nutrition. Someone complained that our wine glasses were filled with “too much” wine. Someone else complained that the desserts were “too sweet”. 

Another taxing day.

Male shortbodied blenny. Exallias brevis.

Another day of taxes. No new pictures. So, I dug out this male shortbodied blenny from January. I know it is a male because the back end is red. Females are all brown spots on cream. Which is why these critters are also known as Leopard Blennies. You find them perched on coral – which isn’t surprising because coral is what they eat. It is good to be near your dinner.

Speaking of dinner. The Asylum featured “hot dogs and turnip greens” for supper. I dined elsewhere.

Taxes where the today’s order of business. Yesterday, I was just moving papers from pile number one to pile number two. Today actual progress was made. Hopefully, they will be more or less finished by tomorrow evening or sooner.

Oh more news from the Asylum. Mice. We have mice. Apparently not rats. But mice. Two of my friends have resident mice families. They are on the 10th floor and the 12th floor. I am on the 11th. Management should supply us with cats.   

And a “monster no’easter” storm is on tap of Tuesday. When I am supposed to go see the orthopedic guy. If I can walk 3.5 miles in a blizzard to see him, maybe I don’t need to see him. 

Tax Time.

Day Break @ The Asylum

The DC area saved winter for me. Yesterday it rained, sleeted, snowed etc. Today it is just cold and windy. I have sequestered myself in The Old Bat Cave. 

But, it hasn’t been all bonbons, beer and binge watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer… I have been working on The Taxes. 

Mr. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: Taxes are the price we pay for civilized society.

Well, I don’t exactly feel like I am getting my monies worth. I haven’t noticed much civilized about our society in recent months. 

And, why am I doing The Taxes? Don’t I have a tax guy? Well, I am somewhat like the ladies who clean their apartments before the maid comes. I do The Taxes and give The Taxes to the guy to check. Then the guy does The Taxes. And gives them back to me to check. It was quicker when I did The Taxes myself. But, if I live long enough – some day I’ll not be able to deal with The Taxes and by then, the guy and I might have established some sort of workable tax preparation plan. 

And tomorrow is daylight savings time. Isn’t that about the silliest thing ever. Here at The Asylum there is the concern that one might not be around to collect that lost hour in October. 

Well, I think it is back to The Taxes. Then yoga. And dinner. 

Note to Carlton: I just finished springing the clocks forward. So, know that you were missed today. Especially today.