
OK. Got Neko. I started playing with it in 2018.

This week’s origami play will be with Tomoko Fuse’s polyhedra. The cube was easy. Got it on the first try. That was level 1. There are 63 more levels. 

I am trying to get enough documentation together to get a Real ID Virginia ID. And I am having a hard time scrapping up my 2nd proof of Virginia residency. It’s a solvable problem. And, I can always use my passport to get on an Army base or a plane. No biggie.

BUT. This didn’t help. Asylum management sent me birthday greetings.

OK. I am not Sylvia. Never have been. No part of any of my names is Sylvia. 

So I open it up.

And what happened to Dear Sylvia? If my last name were Garcia would Dear Garcia appear?

Anyhow. Two bads in one envelope. Not feeling the love. 

Going OUT to dinner with old work friends. 


How can I not be grateful? It’s the people in our lives that matter.

PS. It was a great surprise party. Loved it. 

And, I even got a candle! In the baklava. 

One Reply to “Monday”

  1. Oh, you Sly(via) humorist you! In Delaware, they name beaches after you, due to your sunny disposition. I am sorry it has been awhile since I looked you up, but you are looking great! Happy birthday!!

    Jim (and MJ)

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