
wed 5-mar-08

last view of mauna kea - march 2, 2008

Our trip home was an adventure. Our first flight was cancelled - after we were all on the plane. The pilot came out and told us that he refused to fly the plane since it was 10:30 PM and we had a 5 hour flight over water ahead of us and there was fluid leaking around the rudder.

That was Friday night. Come Sunday evening we were safely on our plane and were heading out to Chicago. Had the usual delays in Chicago and took Metro home. Arriving about noon on Monday.

Back home, we found the Hillary Campaign HQ. All parking spaces were taken and the satellite uplink trucks were all out front.

Hey, four weeks from today - I'll be on United Airlines again and flying off to Europe. Well, I'll think about Europe two weeks from now. First issue. Do taxes.

Back to Hillary. I don't care who our candidate is. Just don't get the party too damaged to beat McCain. And, I remember Chicago. Let us not repeat 1968 in 2008. Don't snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Again.