
mon 1-oct-07

Hawai'i - December 2006

Its Random Foto Day! I have a stack of 10 or 15 CDs full of images. Images that must be culled. I can not just paint a number on the CD and file it away. I will develop some method of taking care of the digital images before I take another picture. DELETE is the answer. The trash can is the photographers best friend and I am *not* Ansel Adams or even Margaret Bourke-White and nobody - including me - is going to miss the 99.9% of the pictures. Haven't we had this discussion before?

Today I am lusting after:

  1. A new iPod with a huge drive
  2. A new iPod Nano - a red one
  3. A new little tiny computer
  4. A new winter coat
  5. A crockpot.

Now how is that for a real little old lady wish list? Truth of the matter is 2K would get me all those things. And, nobody is promised tomorrow.

My computer just decided to reboot itsself. No blue screen, no warning, no saving anything just fade to black, it asked me what OS it should boot - which is strange - since it only has one choice and it boots up. I should add Replace All Gear with Mac Stuff to wish list.