note to family

cartoonWell, is it going to be the MacBook Air or the Lenovo X301? They cost about the same. MacBook is way cooler – Lenovo is way better equipped. Form or Function? Which will run Ubuntu the best.

old people’s mailing list…

funeralWhen you are a old person you get really macabre junk mail.

dumbtooAnd, they must think you are really dumb too. Too dumb to figure out how to open an envelop. OR, maybe, only folk who are too senile  to open envelops are the target audience.

Got forward links fixed up on 2002. 2002 was a pretty crappy year looking back at it. Mom got gall bladder cancer. The Sniper hit our neighborhood. I gave up estrogen. Never mind, August 18, 2002.

Still feeling the Ubuntu Love.  I have decided that I like Dolphin better than Nautilus. Now, if only Lightroom would run under WINE.

it must be butterfly season

caught a butterfly with the fx01
caught a butterfly with the fx01

I seem to be doing lots of “wild life” photography lately.

I am trying to chill out about health care reform. And not watch old people making fools of themselves yelling about “socialized medicine”. I haven’t seen any of them buring their medicare cards. OOPS, I am getting un-chilled.

tweet-gito ergo sum?

fuzzy peggy - 04aug09
fuzzy peggy - 04aug09

Now that I have a twitter account  – now what? Do old ladies tweet? do they tweet about depends? Or my very favorite “keep government out of healthcare” from people on Medicare?

I checked on my goth  granddaughter. Her choice of twitter background is the same as mine. one of us should be very worried.

Went and tweaked  my tweet page a little. Don’t want to have the same background as goth girl child.

Feel free to tweet at me – just don’t expect me to tweet back!

forgive me, father, for i have tweeted

Well, I opened a twitter account. When I found out that United had cheaper plane fares available to tweeters. The older I get the harder it is to stay in the technology fast lane. Who am I kidding, I long ago left the fast lane. Heck, I am just trying to stay out of technology Depends.

And not two days after I update my Word Press software – it starts nagging me to upgrade again. Sigh.

moving on to wordpress 2.8.2

Daisy at Nature Conservancy - L1 w/pancake lens
Daisy at Nature Conservancy - L1 w/pancake lens

Well, I am all ready to upgrade to WP 2.8.2 from 2.7.1. I have backed everything up and upgraded the supporting cast members. Now we push the Please update now button that has been nagging me for a couple of months.

Well, so far so good.

After putzing around with the blog software – I took the camera and new lens over to the Nature Conservancy weed lot for a little photo play. The trouble with the L1 is that I like it too much. It makes my pointer and shooter seem a little lame.

Carlton and I just had a really strange conversation. First he implied that my dressing left something to be desired but that what I wear isn’t any business of his. Well, I know he hates green. So, I have nothing green. I doesn’t like clothes that are loose, baggy or unstructured either. But, I wear those things. And, I’ll agree that I don’t dress like he would like. But, when was the last time he took me anywhere that required “proper lady” clothes?

Second, he explained that he didn’t intend to ever go to the doctor to get any tests for any thing any more. He was just going to die. He does go to the skin cancer guy and the dentist. In a way that is what my dad did. And, he lived to be 82. Mom, who enjoyed poor health and went to the doctor all the time, lived to be 82. Dad spent 2 weeks dying of cancer. Mom spent 5 months. They both ended up dead. So, Carlton might have something.

What I wear is my business and if Carlton doesn’t want a colonoscopy – that is his business.

ordinary urban old lady saturday

  1. Walk to the grocery with my little push cart.
  2. Take bus to farm market.
  3. Walk from farm market to Free People, Apple Store, Container Store. Look at funky clothes for much younger women. Fondle Apples. Purchase a thingie to help old folk open jars.
  4. Take subway home.
  5. Rest up after all that activity.

Why did I spend 20+ years living in a house in the ‘burbs? When the first husband walked, my friends told me to move into the city. Why didn’t I listen? Inertia, I guess.

But, the profits made from the timely sale of the house in the ‘burbs are looking sweet today.

what’s with the younger generation?

nasa photo from July 16, 1969
NASA Photograph - Adjacent to the Kennedy Space Center thousands of spectators camped out on beaches and roads to watch the launch of Apollo 11, which launched at 9:32 a.m. Eastern on July 16, 1969.

Pardon me whilst I take an old woman’s mental trip back to the summer of 1969. Things were not all wonderful then. Our president had been killed, our boy friends, sons and husbands were being killed in the jungles of South East Asia. The evil empire had control of at least half the world. And don’t get me started about the role of women in those days.

But, we were going to moon. And had every intention of getting back alive. What have we done lately? Where is the adventure. Of course, there was the evil empire – spurring us on. Can’t we go to the moon and beyond – just to find out what there is to see? Must there be an enemy to get us to do anything except eat and hone our video gaming skills?

Now, Apollo 11 – that was real reality TV.

Step away from the computer and go to the stars,  boys and girls.


My budget for pedicures is nil.

Absolutely nothing going on. Which is not a bad thing when you are an old person. Most of the things that “happen” when you are old are not good things.

Tomorrow, I go back and see the doctor at the clinic. She will tell me to take more drugs and get more tests. And most likely, I’ll ignore her advice. Which when you stop to think of it is pretty silly, since she has 4 years of medical school, one year as an intern and one year as a resident of experience. One would hope she knows more than I do.

Taking a pass on LightRoom

I decided to take a pass on LightRoom – for now. It works great and the interface is oh so elegant. But, I had no answer for the “How is paying $300 for software that is incompatible with the $100 software that has 6,683 images cataloged going to improve my life?” After I finish the cataloguing task –  yeah right – like never – or when Adobe provides a migration path – then I’ll reconsider. But for now, thanks for the 30 day test – but, I’ll catch you later, LightRoom.

On my glide path into real old age – I am trying to keep things simple and uncluttered. Not cheap or even inexpensive. Just simple. If I have one of a thing – most likely that is enough. If I get a new thing – then I get rid of at least one thing.

No blog tonite.

No blog stuff today. The computer is 100% busy “Handbraking” some movies down to iPod format. The previously owned Dell computer is completely maxed out by the task. But, I gotta have a couple of movies in the iPod.

One more note to family about funerals. If my time comes when I am in Hawaii – on the Big Island. Use the Dodo Mortuary. I love the name. The only thing good about dying would be to have the Dodo Mortuary burn my dead ass and then to have the remains buried in the “Dinosaur Cemetery” in Colorado. But, I don’t know if Dinosaur Colorado has a Cemetery. Or, if they have one,  if it is called Dinosaur Cemetery. But, there is a Dodo Mortuary, has been for over 100 years.

Is Michael Jackson gone now?