Waiting for the pig flu

maskSpent 8 plus hours today at the volunteer job. Major effort in our department “Employee HEALTH” (not “Employee SICK”) is being sure that all 2,000 plus hospital employees are update on how to wear protective gear. Now you would think that they would know that already. After all… it is a hospital. We do have sick people here.

But, what else do I have to do? Might as well do some good. Having no medical skills – I run the computer, xerox machine and the errands.

Day three with the WordPress system. Think I might stick with it. It sure is easier than my old do it yourself system.

3 Replies to “Waiting for the pig flu”

  1. Glad to see you’ve moved to WP. Once you get a good theme and plugins it is a great bogging platform. (I’ve got one for VLA and a three blog WP-MU site as well. One of the most interesting themes is Thematic. http://themeshaper.com/

    It is a sophisticated theme framework that allows for child themes. The child themes are basically just additional CSS snippets that overwrite whatever you want to change from the Thematic parent theme.

    As far as plugins there are many great ones. But Akismet, WP-SpamFree, WP-PageNavi, Ultimate Google Analytics, Google Analytics, and wp-cache top my list.

    Have fun!

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