March 348, 2020

looking for the light

I might be looking for the light – but – there is damn little light in a Windows 10 blue screen of death for this old woman. I just googled the error message that flashed on the screen and I think that if I can get to the command prompt I might have a chance at fixing it. My friend has the in-house tech support guy on the case now. He can try the video.

A lazy winter day was on tap. I went for a great long walk up and down the stairs while doing a small load of laundry. I watered my orchids and put all the orchid repotting stuff in a nice plastic box and was just getting ready to go visit with friend, when what should appear but an email from the hospital requesting counts of this and that. Work on getting the numbers. Get the numbers. I am eating lunch, note to reader: Trader Joe’s Pho isn’t very good, when I get a computer 911 call. Blue screen of death.


Grateful for an unexpectedly if not 100% satisfactory busy day.

Mālama Pono

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