
Old Airport Beach

Easing back to normal. Did a little yoga, went for a walk with Billy, and got back in the ocean.

big yellow phase trumpet fish. a GoPro still photo.

The monk seal wasn’t around today. I floated around. Pretending to be a big old monk seal.

The awesome gray travel pants zip. I can go home again.

Will be heading out in 6 weeks or so. Needed to check to be sure that I still fit in my travel pants. They zip. No stress or strain.  But, I can not head out until I actually make some plans.  Gotta make some plans about my little trip to GB in May too. Why can’t I be like normal people and just make plane reservations and go direct? Why do I insist on turning everything into an adventure? Isn’t being old enough of an adventure?


The Ocean – it is almost too magical to be real.

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