
Don’t seem to be able to insert photos using the phone. Let’s try again.

It works if I use cell service not the house wifi. I just looked up and noticed that I am sitting smack under a very prolific coconut tree. I should move. But I am tired.

This is the room.

This is my all of my stuff, under my seat with room to spare.

I walk up to the Bermuda customs guy. “are you traveling alone” he asks. “yes” says I. “you have to get your checked bags before coming through customs” he says. “I don’t have any checked bags”. “well, where is your luggage” he says. I gracefully twirl aound and say “here”And how long are you staying? He asks. nine days.

With great reluctance, he let me into Bermuda.

And this is what was in the little backpack. Didn’t take long to unpack.

I have bussed, subwayed, planed, taxied and walked to the grocery today. Wishing the sun would hurry up and set so I can hop in bed

From my deck, just now.

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