Closed casket, open bar…

Theodore Roosevelt NP, July 4, 1997

Started on the annual July 4th party planning today. The question is how many people can I get in the Old Bat Cave. Especially old people who need chairs. The answer is 4 or 5. But that ain’t happening. It will be twice that many. I have spots for 6 people to sit in chairs. But, I can get the house to send up 4 or 6 uncomfortable chairs.

Yesterday, my chaplain buddy, Steven, introduced me to the “closed casket, open bar” funeral service. Well, today, here at The Asylum – it was done one better. “no funeral, open bar”.

Lots of outstanding food, and a fine selection of beers. 

Guess it isn’t too soon to start planning my memorial party. It will be held in the bar – not the art gallery. My photo books can be stacked on a table and after the party – they can go directly to the trash bin.

Today I made my annual visit to the Asylum Clinic – I had to answer 20 questions to prove that I was still able to live in my apartment. As usual, I muffed the “what is your address” question and “what is today’s date”.

Note to self: say the address out loud and check the date on the phone next year before the quiz.

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