Plan B

Rather than sleeping last night, I came up with Relocation Plan B.

After this afternoon’s visit to see a really large (1800 sq ft) unit in a vintage condo – also very reasonable cost – after Carlton rejected the place. The reason “It is too big” never mind that it has free cable, and utilities are included in the rent. Never mind that garage parking is $100 a year not a month. After this, Carlton has been voted off the search team.

My Plan B is to go survey the apartment buildings in the next zip code – closer to the Apple Store and Whole Foods. Farther away from the Library, dentist, Harris Teeter and volunteer work. That is why we have the Metro. With Senior Citizen Discount.

Then stop the looking madness. Just wait on something really fine to show up on MLS or Craigslist. While waiting – I’ll get packing. Starting with getting rid of stuff that has crept in since the last move or which was moved and never used. Then – start putting my stuff and the general family stuff in boxes. Sooner or later something sweet will show up and I’ll be all ready to spring on it. I’ll just tell Carlton that me and the stuff are moving and he can come or not.

And, if eviction day comes and something sweet hasn’t shown up – well, I’ll call the movers and tell them to come get the stuff and store it – and rent “corporate” housing apartment for as long as it takes.

And, I’ll be willing to purchase something if it seems to make sense. Purchasing this unit doesn’t make sense.

How did we ever live without DropBox? The Airness, the XP system, and the Ubuntu system all play nice with DropBox. And, I have stopped mourning the loss of Roboform – all the systems are happy to use KeePass or KeePassX and DropBox keeps things in sync.

My first moving assignment is to destroy all of my old backup CD’s. I have backups that go back to the 1990’s. Excessive.

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