
You understand that your cell provider knows EVERYTHING about you. Even when there is no signal, there is still GPS. This is where Google says I was in Feb 2018. Now Google may not always be able to complete a phone call here in Kona, but by golly it knows that I was in the Nullarbor on Feb 12 and spent 90 minutes in Cook, South Australia. Google is my cell service provider.

It must be pretty hard to be less than honest about one’s whereabouts! There was I time when that would have mattered to me. (No Carlton that was before your time.)

Speaking of Carlton – I went to check out his spot in the bay. I would have swam over – but I am enjoying poor health – so, the landside view.

I am more or less all packed up. My luggage is “carryon-sized” but I am too old and feeble to hoist the case into the overhead. I would have to rely on the kindness of 6 strangers to get it up and down. Not a problem with checking it – except the connection in Chicago is 32 minutes. And, the weather in Chicago isn’t going to be stellar.

Being on the plane with a cold and not being able to wrangle my own suitcase might find me seated on the wing.

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