
Another one from Jackson Street

Think it is going to be an early night tonight. I seem to be slowing down these days. Of course, I did get up at 0445 this morning. But, I am just feeling creakier and wearier. It is taking more coffee and ibuprofen to keep me functional. 

Trying to avoid anything remotely political these days. But, I notice at The Orange Lord seems to be gearing up for a donnybrook with John McCain. He doesn’t seem to realize that people with terminal cancer are absolutely fearless. And congress is in dire need of absolutely fearless these days.

Been trying to use Safari since I updated to High Sierra. It is just different from Chrome – my browser of choice for the last 8 years or so. It uses the funky Touch Bar, a not very useful part of newer MacBook Pros. It has a built in “Text” mode which I rather like. And, it does a good job of killing off zombie-like tracking ads.  

I may try to use Safari on my iPads too. Speaking of iPads. I decided that the Facebook App on my iPad Pro was sucking too much battery and doing goodness knows what “in the background” – so, I deleted it. The Pro is big enough to use the browser version. Maybe facebook is doing to our minds what it was doing to my iPad????

Note to Carlton: You are not missing anything at all here on Planet Earth. The Nats are still breaking hearts, The Skins are still suspect, golf is still boring and your tennis courts are fine. Also, I haven’t done anything crazy with your money. Oh yes, it is still “your” money. I’ll let you pay for my room in Hawai’i this winter. Other than that, I am “self supporting through my own contributions”.  

Oh one more thing Carlton, remember that Fitbit that you scoffed at. The one I bought the spring before you died? Well, yesterday, I got an email telling me that I have logged 5,500 miles since April 2014. Not too shabby for a creaky old woman. I’d say that the Fitbit was successful retail therapy and was the Olympus OMD – the rest not so much. 

And you readers might think I am crazy, writing to Carlton. Don’t tell the Asylum, they will move me off to The Terrarium aka the “memory care unit”. 


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