It is starting to sink in…

cherry blossoms at our library
cherry blossoms at our library

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a deadly disease with a poor outlook for survival. Local recurrence occurs in 44% of patients;; multiple local recurrences occur in 15%. These recurrences usually happen within 5 months after the primary lesion is treated. About 15% of patients have palpable nodes at the time of diagnosis. Lymph node metastases eventually develop in 55% of patients, and distant metastases develop in 34%. Most metastases occur before the eighth month after diagnosis.

The areas where metastases are most likely to occur are the liver, bone, brain, and lung. The presence of distant metastases is the only factor that is consistently predictive of the outcome. The mean time to death after the discovery of distant metastases is 5 months. Mortality rates for patients with distant metastases are 75-100%. In patients without distant metastases, mortality rates are 4%.

OK, so that is where we are. Looks like a rocky 5 to 8 to 12 months ahead. Mr C might be one of the lucky ones. But, he hasn’t caught many breaks of late. I debated with myself most of last night – should I share with him exactly how bad this thing is. I printed it and gave it to him. Those who can not Google are at the mercy of those of us who Google way too much.

After reading the article – Skin Cancer – Merkel Cell Carcinoma – Mr C ate a hearty lunch (meatloaf, mac&cheese, broccoli) and set out figuring out what the best tax strategy would be, based on various time of death scenarios. He took it rather well.

On the other hand, I am not taking it so well. This new monster is a sleek fast moving monster. One that will try to kill Carlton this year.

Four doctor’s appointments next week. Surgery not scheduled.

Enjoy Every Sandwich: Grilled Salmon on whole wheat roll. With guacamole. And maybe some deviled eggs. Still trying to get extra calories and protein into Mr. C. Still trying to keep extra calories out of me.

One Reply to “It is starting to sink in…”

  1. Thanks for the updte. I read some of the same info about Merkel Cell. Had not heard of that one before. Available data is not a source of hopeful information for cure and escape except if one is lucky which offers a window of hope. Hang in there Mr. “C”, and you too “Peg”, the Care Giver has a tough row to hoe too, which goes without saying. Hope “C” is lucky. Where their is life, there is hope. Zee

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